Photo Caption: DFL award receipients, Batoul Othman, Alaa Issawi, Hiba Maoued and Laila Maraqa, with Her Excellency Ambassador Mrs. Hilary Childs-Adams, Ambassador of Canada to Lebanon, and LAU President Dr. Jabra.

Her Excellency Ambassador Mrs. Hilary Childs-Adams, Ambassador of Canada to Lebanon, and LAU President Dr. Jabra, attended the ceremony. In her speech, Ambassador Childs-Adams congratulated the award recipients saying “You are proof that hard work, dedication and determination can change the course of a life, with the support of organizations such as The Daughters for Life Foundation.” Ambassador Child-Adams called on the graduates to carry the Daughters For Life message of hope as they embark on their future study and career and urging them to “Hope for a better future which women, and particularly Palestinian women, help shape. Hope for a lasting peace in the Middle East based on the rejection of violence.”

Dr. Jabra congratulated the award recipients and expressed delight and appreciation over the strengthening of collaborative ties between LAU and DFL saying ” We share a common belief, which is set on the premise that empowering women as key change agents is essential for the achievement of economic, social and political development.”

The Daughters For Life Awards are established in memory of Bessan, Mayar and Aya, the three daughters of Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, President of Foundation, who were killed on January 16, 2009, when an Israeli tank shelled their home. The Foundation honours their memory and seeks to perpetuate their love of life and learning and their hopes and dreams for an educated future.

The following is the entire speech of Her Excellency Ambassador Mrs. Hilary Childs-Adams, Ambassador of Canada to Lebanon. You can download a PDF copy of it here.

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The Daughters For Life Award Ceremony at The Lebanese American University

August 16, 2012 – Address by Her Excellency Mrs. Hilary Childs-Adams, Ambassador of Canada to Lebanon,


حضرة الدكتور جابرا، رئيس الجامعة الأمريكية اللبنانية
حضرة السيدة لوباني، المديرة التنفيذية لمؤسسة بنات الحياة
حضرات الحائزات على الجائزة
سيداتي سادتي

Dr. Jabra, President of the LAU
Mrs. Loubani, Director of The Daughters For Life Foundation
Award recipients
Ladies and Gentlemen

إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أكون بينكم اليوم لتكريم أربعة نساء استثنائيات: السيدة بتول عثمان، السيدة علاء
عيسوي، السيدة هبة ماود، و السيدة ليلى مرقة.

It pleases me very much to be present today at this awards ceremony for four exceptional young women: Miss. Batool Othman, Miss. Alaa Issawi, Miss. Hiba Mawed and Miss. Laila Maraqa.


أنتن مصدر إلهام لعدد لا يحصى من الطلاب الفلسطينيين الذين يدرسون في مدارس وكالة الغوث و يحلمون
بمستقبل أفضل. أنتن دليل على أن العمل الجاد و التفاني و العزيمة يمكن أن تغير مجرى الحياة ، و ذلك بدعم من
مؤسسة بنات الحياة.

You are an inspiration to countless other Palestinian students studying in UNRWA schools and dreaming of a better future. You are proof that hard work, dedication and determination can change the course of a life, with the support of organizations such as The Daughters for Life Foundation.
The Daughters For Life Foundation, which I’m proud to say is a Canadian-registered foundation, and its founder Dr. Abuelaish, who teaches at the University of Toronto, carry a message of hope, which I trust you will take with you as you embark on your future course of study. Hope for a better future which women, and particularly Palestinian women, help shape. Hope for a lasting peace in the Middle East based on the rejection of violence.

I know you will seize this chance to make a difference for your community and for other Palestinian women and youth.

Again, my sincere congratulations for these awards and my best wishes for your studies.

Thank you.

