Leen Alfatafta, Jordan
Sociology and Gender Program
New College of Florida, FL, USA
Year of graduation: 2018
Leen Alfatafta is a second year Sociology and Gender Studies student. After graduating from the scientific stream in Jordan, Leen spent a year abroad in Turkey, where she completed a Turkish language certification program. After receiving her language certificate, Leen applied to the Daughters for Life scholarship program and qualified to become a scholar. After embarking on her journey with the Daughters for Life program, Leen made major changes in her career path. Inspired by Dr. Abuelaish’s dedication to improving the conditions of women in the Middle East, Leen decided to pursue a degree in Sociology and Gender Studies at New College of Florida in 2014. Currently, Leen is working as an intern in both the Foreign Language Institute in Jordan and The Jordanian Woman Alliance.