November 2015

Our new partner, Eastern Mennonite University


Eastern Mennonite University in the United States is the latest academic institution to kindly offer opportunities for two young women students from the Middle East to study abroad for an undergraduate degree. Daughters for Life (DFL) founder Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish signed a memorandum of understanding with the university’s president Dr. Loren Swartzendruber in early October. Fred Kniss, the provost at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), said the partnership with DFL [...]

Our new partner, Eastern Mennonite University2018-07-23T18:25:50-04:00

Kudos to Johnson Creek 8th Graders students!


Johnson Creek's 8th Graders held a Fundraiser for Daughters for Life foundation, out of their belief that everyone can make a difference! Mr. Trent Rasmussen and Ms. Lauren Zellmer, 8th grade teachers at Johnson Creek Middle School, WI, began the school year teaching about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a Historical Literacy class.  As part of the unit, they read aloud I Shall Not Hate by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish.  Through his book, [...]

Kudos to Johnson Creek 8th Graders students!2024-12-31T02:42:04-05:00

September 2015

DFL scholar Waad Hasan strated her journey at Manhattanville College


“  I am pretty proud of myself when I say I am a DFL scholar.” For Waad Zafer Hassan, the pen really is mightier than the sword. Originally from al Khalsa, Palestine, Waad has been accepted to the Manhattanville College, English Literature Program  on a full scholarship from the Daughter’s for Life Foundation. To Waad, education is the only weapon she has in hand, and after hearing about the DFL, [...]

DFL scholar Waad Hasan strated her journey at Manhattanville College2018-07-23T18:15:54-04:00

August 2015

Wardah, who recently landed to Mannhattenville, talks about her experience with DFL scholarship


Born in a small village known as Jib Janine in Lebanon, Wardah AlAkrah’s passion to become a doctor derives from her exposure to injured persons, particularly amputees who had lost their limbs in the war, from her father’s work with the Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped. Alakrah is committed to learning about all aspects that contribute to health damage in the Middle East, specifically to its exposure to [...]

Wardah, who recently landed to Mannhattenville, talks about her experience with DFL scholarship2018-07-23T18:13:42-04:00

June 2015

Simona Rahi: “There is a power in women that only education can reveal.”


“I come from a place where opportunities are not waiting for me outside the door; therefore, I have learned to go find them.” When Simona Rahi decided to pursue higher education, she knew she would have to rely on a scholarship. As she sought out an opportunity, she came across one that stood out. “Daughters for Life scholars not only pursue a degree in their chosen major, but also [...]

Simona Rahi: “There is a power in women that only education can reveal.”2018-07-23T17:53:31-04:00
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