February 2017

Daughters for Life Foundation and ILAC Welcome First displaced Female Syrian Scholars to Study In Canada


TORONTO: The Daughters for Life Foundation (DFL) is welcoming today the first five female scholars from Syria who have been granted full-time scholarships to study in Canada, in partnership with the International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC). Alaa Alakel, Asmaa Labbad, Aya Hammoud, Ayaat Labbad and Raneem Kanaan are the first out of a total of 15 young women who will leave behind the grim reality of conflict to [...]

Daughters for Life Foundation and ILAC Welcome First displaced Female Syrian Scholars to Study In Canada2018-07-23T18:47:00-04:00

November 2016

Dr. Abuelaish Joins Canada’s Governor General on Mission to the Middle East


Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, Founder and President of the Daughters for Life foundation is part of a special eight-day mission to the Middle East led by the Governor General of Canada, the Right Honourable David Johnston. The state visit covers Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank. And Dr. Abuelaish is joined by fellow Canadian leaders from education, business, and civil society to promote stronger innovation and education ties with the [...]

Dr. Abuelaish Joins Canada’s Governor General on Mission to the Middle East2018-07-23T18:45:31-04:00

October 2016

A post-secondary education for 15 Syrian girls


We are excited to announce our new initiative to provide 18 full-time scholarships to up to 15 Syrian and 3 Moroccan young women, to learn English with our ESL program partners such as the International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC) and prepare for higher education in one of our partnered academic institutions. Starting February 2017, the first girls who will come to Canada on a student permit, will begin their ESL program at ILAC for a period [...]

A post-secondary education for 15 Syrian girls2018-07-23T18:43:32-04:00

September 2016

The road to peace is for everyone to travel: Mayar’s story


In 2014, Mayar Tharowat won a Daughters for Life scholarship and left her home in Egypt to attend Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. As a student of the STEM school for girls in Egypt, Mayar studied hard and developed her interest in science, particularly Physics. After taking a chance and applying to Daughters for Life, Mayar moved forward in her journey of education and success. With a few nerves, [...]

The road to peace is for everyone to travel: Mayar’s story2018-07-23T18:41:14-04:00

August 2016

Daughters for Life Scholarships program 2017


The Daughters for Life Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2017 Scholarships Program! Take your chance, apply today! Submission deadline: December 16, 2016 At Daughters for Life Foundation (DFL), we’re looking for outstanding female students, who would like to take their education to the next level.  We are offering up to 10 scholarships for the next academic year for students to follow their dreams at universities in North America, [...]

Daughters for Life Scholarships program 20172018-07-23T18:38:53-04:00

July 2016

Meet Daughters for Life Foundation Scholarship’s Winners 2016


2016 is another step on the road to peace, as 6 young women from Middle Eastern countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine) have joined Daughters for Life Foundation. They all grew up in different environments and follow diverse ambitions, but they do have something in common: they dream big. Meet them today and get inspired: Merehan Ayman Egypt has never had a woman prime minister, but Merehan Ayman plans [...]

Meet Daughters for Life Foundation Scholarship’s Winners 20162018-07-23T18:34:20-04:00

June 2016

A Night for Peace and Inspiration!


The Fourth Daughters for Life Gala Dinner 2016…. A Night for Peace and Inspiration! On Wednesday, May 25th, 2016, The Daughters for Life Foundation (DFL) has held its Fourth Annual Gala at the Carlu. The gala had an excessive success as both a night to celebrate the achievements of a group of inspirational activists and DFL scholars, but also as a phenomenal fundraiser. Thanks to all those who attended, [...]

A Night for Peace and Inspiration!2018-07-23T18:31:24-04:00

May 2016

Daughters for Life 2016 Awards Ceremonies


Forty Nine female students were awarded the Daughters for Life Annual Awards Unique Awards Program Empower Women in Israel and the West Bank May 19, 2016 With the presence of the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne; Dr Izzeldin Abuelaish, the President and Founder of Daughters for Life Foundation has awarded  49 bursaries to young women pursuing their postgraduate studies in the West Bank and Israel with a total of $41,500.00 USD. Premier Wynne [...]

Daughters for Life 2016 Awards Ceremonies2018-07-23T18:28:22-04:00

March 2016

DFLGala2016… Peace and Empowerment through Education


Peace and empowerment through education The Daughters for Life Foundation 4th Gala Dinner, 2016 Come and join us Wednesday, May 25, at the Carlu in Toronto for a truly inspiring evening. The Daughters for Life Foundation will be honouring Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Peace prize winner, with the Courage and Inspiration Luminary Award, for her courageous campaign to fight for education for girls in her native Pakistan, Maria Campbell, the [...]

DFLGala2016… Peace and Empowerment through Education2018-07-23T18:26:42-04:00

November 2015

Our new partner, Eastern Mennonite University


Eastern Mennonite University in the United States is the latest academic institution to kindly offer opportunities for two young women students from the Middle East to study abroad for an undergraduate degree. Daughters for Life (DFL) founder Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish signed a memorandum of understanding with the university’s president Dr. Loren Swartzendruber in early October. Fred Kniss, the provost at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), said the partnership with DFL [...]

Our new partner, Eastern Mennonite University2018-07-23T18:25:50-04:00

Kudos to Johnson Creek 8th Graders students!


Johnson Creek's 8th Graders held a Fundraiser for Daughters for Life foundation, out of their belief that everyone can make a difference! Mr. Trent Rasmussen and Ms. Lauren Zellmer, 8th grade teachers at Johnson Creek Middle School, WI, began the school year teaching about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a Historical Literacy class.  As part of the unit, they read aloud I Shall Not Hate by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish.  Through his book, [...]

Kudos to Johnson Creek 8th Graders students!2024-12-31T02:42:04-05:00

October 2015

Eman’s advice to students thinking of applying for a DFL scholarship


Sushi and self-belief Eman Alatbash likes new challenges. Leaving her family and everything she knew in Gaza to come to Canada was a first, as was getting on a plane. She also doesn’t like numbers, which is why she’s now studying accounting for three years. “It was a challenge to myself,” says the 20-year-old, from her room at College Boreal in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. “I believe in myself and [...]

Eman’s advice to students thinking of applying for a DFL scholarship2018-07-23T18:19:01-04:00

September 2015

Daughters for Life Scholarships program 2016


The Daughters for Life Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2016 Scholarships Program  Submission deadline: December 31, 2015 With violence escalating at unprecedented levels in the Middle East, access to quality education for girls and young women is becoming increasingly difficult. Every year, since 2009, The Daughters for Life Foundation has offered bright and talented Grade 12 students and recent graduates the opportunity to obtain full scholarships to [...]

Daughters for Life Scholarships program 20162018-07-23T18:18:12-04:00

DFL scholar Waad Hasan strated her journey at Manhattanville College


“  I am pretty proud of myself when I say I am a DFL scholar.” For Waad Zafer Hassan, the pen really is mightier than the sword. Originally from al Khalsa, Palestine, Waad has been accepted to the Manhattanville College, English Literature Program  on a full scholarship from the Daughter’s for Life Foundation. To Waad, education is the only weapon she has in hand, and after hearing about the DFL, [...]

DFL scholar Waad Hasan strated her journey at Manhattanville College2018-07-23T18:15:54-04:00

August 2015

Wardah, who recently landed to Mannhattenville, talks about her experience with DFL scholarship


Born in a small village known as Jib Janine in Lebanon, Wardah AlAkrah’s passion to become a doctor derives from her exposure to injured persons, particularly amputees who had lost their limbs in the war, from her father’s work with the Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped. Alakrah is committed to learning about all aspects that contribute to health damage in the Middle East, specifically to its exposure to [...]

Wardah, who recently landed to Mannhattenville, talks about her experience with DFL scholarship2018-07-23T18:13:42-04:00

DFL Annual Award of Merit 2015 given to 105 outstanding female students across the Middle East


More than 100 female students at 12 Middle Eastern universities were recognized for their outstanding achievement during last month. They received the Daughters for Life Annual Award of Merit – an award of US$500 to US$1000 which helps fund their tuition. The award acknowledges not only the academic capabilities of these third year students, who are graduating in the 2016-17 academic year, but also their courage in overcoming hardship and [...]

DFL Annual Award of Merit 2015 given to 105 outstanding female students across the Middle East2018-07-23T18:10:24-04:00

DFL bestows The annual Award of Merit on four BGU female students


“Don’t waste time blaming others. Blaming is the best way to escape responsibility,” Dr.  Izzeldin Abuelaish In a moving ceremony, on July 27th, Daughters for Life Foundation bestowed The annual Award of Merit on four Ben-Gurion University Of the Negav female students Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, the President and Founder, was accompanied by his founding directors daughters, Dalal and Shatha as well as his other three children;  Mohammed, Rofah and Abdallah. Rector Prof. Zvi HaCohen remarked on how unusual [...]

DFL bestows The annual Award of Merit on four BGU female students2018-07-23T18:08:40-04:00

July 2015

Annual Award of Merit ceremony at University of Haifa


On July 20th, 2015, Daughters for Life Foundation’s Board of Directors visited University of Haifa, Israel, to award six outstanding female students the Annual Award of Merit. Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, the Founder and President of the foundation, together with the Founding Directors; Dalal Abuelaish and Shatha Abuelaish and his other children, Mohamed, Rafah and Abdullah Abuelaish visited the University of Haifa where Vice Rector Prof. Perla Werner Welcomed Dr. [...]

Annual Award of Merit ceremony at University of Haifa2018-07-23T18:07:04-04:00

Rozana Jaber: “It is largely a matter of will that determines if success happens.”


Rozana Jaber is only 18-years-old but she already has big plans for her future. “I carry within me many aspirations,” she says. “I feel that I am able to bring about a change in my society.” Jaber, of Beit Hanina in Israel, is one of four young women who will start at Florida’s New College this fall, with the help of Daughters for Life Foundation. The scholarship program provides [...]

Rozana Jaber: “It is largely a matter of will that determines if success happens.”2018-07-23T18:03:12-04:00

Annual Award of Merit ceremony at Islamic University of Gaza


Daughters for Life Foundation’s Board of Directors visited The Islamic University of Gaza to award twenty two outstanding female students the Annual Awards of Merit. Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, the Founder and President of the foundation, together with the Founding Directors; Dalal Abuelaish and Shatha Abuelaish headed to IUG on July 4th where they had a tour at IUG campus accompanied by Dr. Yahya Al Sarraj, The Vice President for External affairs [...]

Annual Award of Merit ceremony at Islamic University of Gaza2018-07-23T17:59:34-04:00

June 2015

Mayar Tharowat named one of only two DFL 2015 Scholars, earning scholarship at Wilfrid Laurier University


The 18 years Egyptian Mayar, who finally got her dream opportunity, has been admitted to Wilfrid Laurier University’s Physics Program for 2015/2016. Mayar is one of the two scholars won the Wilfrid Laurier scholarship. In addition to the scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier has offered her a 5000 CAD additional bonus for her outstanding grades. After completing her Physics studies, Mayar, plans to specialize in Astrophysics, which will enable her to help future generations [...]

Mayar Tharowat named one of only two DFL 2015 Scholars, earning scholarship at Wilfrid Laurier University2018-07-23T17:56:26-04:00

Simona Rahi: “There is a power in women that only education can reveal.”


“I come from a place where opportunities are not waiting for me outside the door; therefore, I have learned to go find them.” When Simona Rahi decided to pursue higher education, she knew she would have to rely on a scholarship. As she sought out an opportunity, she came across one that stood out. “Daughters for Life scholars not only pursue a degree in their chosen major, but also [...]

Simona Rahi: “There is a power in women that only education can reveal.”2018-07-23T17:53:31-04:00

Hiba El Miari – a woman who embraces challenge


If you’re going to have a chat with Palestinian student Hiba Adel El Miari, then it might be handy to keep Wikipedia close by. Writers and poets’ names, particularly Arabian or generally Islamic, fall like confetti amid suitable quotes to augment her discussion.  She has a passion for writing and languages; oh she likes painting, plus sciences and literature.  Hiba, of Saida, in Lebanon, is a renaissance woman. I [...]

Hiba El Miari – a woman who embraces challenge2018-07-23T17:46:52-04:00

May 2015

Daughters for Life Foundation Scholarships Winners 2015


GIFT OF LEARNING FOR TEN NEW STUDENTS Ten young women students from across the Middle East have been selected by the Toronto-based Daughters for Life Foundation to further their tertiary studies in the United States and Canada. Those chosen were asked to show how they had contributed to improving the lives of other young women and girls in their respective countries and have all achieved success despite having to [...]

Daughters for Life Foundation Scholarships Winners 20152018-07-23T17:43:01-04:00

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish receives an Honorary Doctorate in Law from New College of Florida


As part of his visit to New College of Florida on May 22nd,  Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish spoke at The 49th Commencement of New College of Florida ceremony, where he received an Honorary Doctorate in Law. Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish's speech as Keynote Speaker at The 49th Commencement of New College of Florida   https://youtu.be/jl5uWcV4Dmw President O’Shea, Mr. Monda, honored guests, faculty and staff, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be the first Arab [...]

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish receives an Honorary Doctorate in Law from New College of Florida2018-07-23T17:40:47-04:00

Have you met DFL scholar, Racha Masara, the Orientation Leader at New College of Florida?


For more than a dozen young women from the Middle East, Daughters for Life has provided much more than scholarship money. Now wrapping up her first year of studies at New College in Florida, Racha Masara credits the foundation with providing her an opportunity to achieve her career goals, and easing her transition to studying abroad. “I left literally everything I know to come here,” says Racha. “Moving to a [...]

Have you met DFL scholar, Racha Masara, the Orientation Leader at New College of Florida?2018-07-23T17:28:37-04:00

September 2014

Daughters for Life Foundation celebrate its first scholar graduation!


On September 2nd, 2014 Yosra Albakkar from Jordan successfully defended her thesis in her Masters of Arts in Sustainability Studies at Trent University in Peterborough. By achieving this outstanding accomplishment, Yosra officially became the first student enrolled in the foundation’s scholarships program to graduate. It all started back in 2011 when Yosra submitted her application to access higher education studies in North America. After successfully completing all the skills [...]

Daughters for Life Foundation celebrate its first scholar graduation!2018-07-23T17:26:27-04:00

August 2014

Five Scholars start their journey at New College of Florida


 Five new Scholars arrived at The New College of Florida last August 2014. This was certainly an exciting day for our first five students to start a four years University degree filled with challenges and hard work for these upcoming Middle Eastern female leaders of the future.But prior to engaging in this new adventure, they had to successfully pass  the foundation's screening tests and  meet all academic requirements of other New College [...]

Five Scholars start their journey at New College of Florida2018-07-23T17:17:54-04:00

February 2013

Dr. Abuelaish Appointed to the Order of Ontario


Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, Founder and President of the Daughters for Life Foundation, was appointed to the Order of Ontario, the province’s highest honour which recognizes extraordinary residents who have made a lasting contribution to the province, the country and the world. The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, invested Dr. Abuelaish with the Order of Ontario medal at a special ceremony on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, at [...]

Dr. Abuelaish Appointed to the Order of Ontario2018-07-23T17:00:26-04:00
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